Just because the risk for anxiety and mood disorders is higher for city-dwellers does not mean you have to be resigned to it. There are some powerful things you can do to prevent this happening to you: make some pretty basic food changes, consider supplementation for your specific needs and biochemistry, and make some simple lifestyle changes (read more here https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/antianxiety-food-solution-what-you-eat-makes-difference/).
A new international study, published in Nature, is the first to show that living in a city affects the two distinct brain regions that regulate emotion and stress.
This from Science Daily, June 22, 2011
“Previous findings have shown that the risk for anxiety disorders is 21 percent higher for people from the city, who also have a 39 percent increase for mood disorders,” says co-author Jens Pruessner, a Douglas researcher. “In addition, the incidence for schizophrenia is almost doubled for individuals who are born and brought up in cities.” You can read the whole report here.
So here is one lifestyle change that is just perfect for city-dwellers and perfect as we move into beautiful summer weather – get out into the great outdoors and into nature!
“An interesting study from the Netherlands found a strong relationship between being outdoors in nature and lower rates of anxiety and depression especially in children and in poorer communities.” (The Antianxiety Food Solution, www.antianxietyfoodsolution.com)
So I recommend that you go bike-riding with your family along some urban trails (this picture was taken on the bike path near where I live), go down to the lake and have a picnic, go for a nice walk with a friend, go camping, go hiking in the mountains, go surfing or go windsurfing (this is my all-time summer favorite!).
Exercising has tons of other benefits too, such as weight-loss and cancer-prevention (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/have-fun-exercising-and-prevent-cancer/) and is just a lot of fun! Happy summer exercising to you, whether you’re in the city or countryside!