This month is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. And I have 10 unique ways for you to be informed about breast cancer prevention and treatment options. This information was provided by Ellyn Hilliard, MS, Holistic Nutrition (www.cancersurvivorzone.com). Ellyn is wonderful colleague and cancer nutritionist. We met a number of years ago as I was starting my second career as a nutritionist. I did my nutrition internship with her and what a truly wonderful and educational experience that was. I learned so much from Ellyn – about nutrition in general, doing workshops, working with clients, running a business and how powerful nutrition and other natural approaches are for cancer (both for prevention and for recovery).
A few months ago I had a scare – two large red inflamed marks on one of my breasts that remained for over a month – and Ellyn was the first person I approached. The red marks looked very much like Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) – a type of cancer that is very aggressive and one that I had not ever heard of. Knowing what I could be up against and knowing I had options that did not include surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, was extremely empowering. I suspect now that the red marks were in fact spider bites.
Do you have a plan for breast cancer? Do you know about prevention and treatment options that don’t include surgery, radiation or chemotherapy? Here is some information to get you started…
10 Unique Ways to Support You During Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
By Ellyn Hilliard, MS. (www.cancersurvivorzone.com)
1. Learn to Juice – Buy a cheap juicer on Craig’s List and juice VEGETABLES.
2. Increase Your Circulation – Run, Bike, Sauna, Take COQ10, Loofa, massage….
3. Learn how cosmetic surgery can destroy the estrogen storage that is so critical to health.
4. Have a Breast exam and learn how to do it yourself. Avoid unnecessary mammograms.
5. Find out how relationships contribute to breast cancer. Fix your primary relationship.
6. Reduce the stresses in your life. Calm the nervous system. Meditate, go on a walk…
7. Start to look at chemicals in your life. Find natural alternatives to cleaning products.
8. Vitamin Therapy is the best way to address deficiency in the diet. See a Nutritionist.
9. Wake up to the minimal benefits of chemotherapy. Read the archives of www.cancerdecisions.com and learn about more effective ways to deal with diagnosis.
10. Research. The web is a plentiful resource for finding “real” information and forums.
Hi Trudy:
Looks great, as does your new book. Ours will be published soon as an e-book. Another one in the works too. “Beyond Gerson”, a guide to nourish your body with proven 21st century alternative healing methods. I have signed up for your newsletter and look forward to reading your new book. Will it be downloadable?
Ellyn Hilliard
Hi Ellyn
I’m so excited about the work you’re doing – it’s so valuable and so needed! Thanks again for sharing these 10 tips and for all your guidance and wisdom. Your new books sound fabulous – I can’t wait for them to be published.
My book won’t be downloadable as it stands but I have some teleseminars planned and the recordings, powerpoints and transcripts will be downloadable.
Awesome content….thank you! Even just shifting one tip at a time is enough to keep us on track…:)
Many blessings,
So true Jennifer – thanks
I am so HAPPY to hear that you are alright. You had me for a scare for a moment. Thank you for such great information. Points that I never knew about, like cosmetic surgery destroys estrogen storage could be life savers for women. Keep doing what you do:)
Kiyla Fenell
Kiyla – thanks for your concern and thanks for the feedback
It seems that the key is to reduce stress.
Nutrition is a powerful way to do this, along with all the other wonderful suggestions on your list.
Laura – thanks for the feedback
Trudy, I am so glad you are healthy! Stress is such a biggy for women – most of us are pleasers and nurturers so we do need to remember that ‘enough is enough’ when it comes to caring -and to care about ourselves, wholistically. Often it takes a serious health scare to do this. Maybe we should list all the changes we would make to our diet and lifestyle if we were diagnosed with a life threatening illness – and start doing these right now! Why wait until we are faced with a health crisis?
Pinky – you are spot on – we take care of others often before ourselves. I just love your suggestion to make that list and start doing it now!
Trudy ~ This is so wonderful and a great contribution to Breast Cancer Awareness month. You covered stresses of many kinds which are critical to our well being – most people don’t know that things like a toxic relationship is stressful not only to our minds but to our bodies.
You are a pioneer Trudy. In Love & Health, Robin
Thanks so much Robin. You are such an expert in the ill-effects of stress! Ellyn didn’t mention lack of sleep and how stressful this is but you – the expert on sleep – already know this!
Hey Trudy thanks for sharing this important information. It really does come down to self care doesn’t it – inside and out.
One of my best friends was diagnosed with breast cancer this past 12 months – at only 35 years of age it was a shock to us all and indeed she has removed a lot of her life stressors and is taking great care of herself. This has been a great inspiration to us as her friends. Why wait for a scare indeed
Heidi Alexandra
Yes, as Pinky says why wait. I do hope your friend is doing ok now that she is taking care of herself
Great resources, Trudy.
You might also want to check out http://www.pelicanscoconutsandbutterflies.com . There is a wealth of information in the resources section.
Write on!~
Thanks Lisa for sharing this resource too – I just love the website name!
Thank you for sharing and writing. I will be certain to pass on your information to others. So good to hear you are well, Mitch
Breast cancer touches all our lives. Important information to share. THANK YOU!!
My mom is a breast cancer survivor, so this is near and dear to my heart…
Thanks for the great tips, Trudy!
With cancer being the second leading cause of death, I want to see it cured. I don’t know if this is completely possible, but we do have a starting place. We can learn and educate about the signs and symptoms of cancer in order to achieve earlier diagnoses. Some cancers are curable if found early enough. This is why I strive to teach the signs of cancer! Thank you for this site and please continue to teach!