Nicole is an NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) and fire-fighter paramedic and has problems with blood sugar control. Diabetes runs in her family. We met at the recent 2013 NTA (Nutritional Therapy Association conference) where I had a booth to promote my services and book The Antianxiety Food Solution. I also presented on the Role of Inflammation in Anxiety, Stress and Depression – which covered amongst other factors, the amino acids.
Nicole came by my booth after my presentation and she wanted to try the glutamine because of low blood sugar symptoms. The results she experienced were great!
You can watch this video to hear how powerful glutamine was for Nicole – she saw results in around 5 minutes. I really like to get testimonials like this because when I talk about the profound and quick effects of the amazing amino acids it almost sounds too good to be true! But in this case (and the majority of cases), it really is true!
Nicole says “I get irritable, I get shaky and I get to the point that if I don’t get food NOW I think I’m going to hurt something!”
She tried the glutamine and in under 5 minutes she went from that feeling to: “I’m ok. I feel happy, I feel calm, I feel I can make it longer without needing food right away.”
She finished up by saying “I’m impressed at how well that worked for me” and she plans to share the benefits of this amino acid with her clients who may have blood sugar issues and the associated symptoms of shakiness between meals, irritability, a frantic need for something to eat and often an intense desire for something sweet.
Signs of low blood sugar include:
- Irritability, agitation, nervousness
- Shaky between meals or when you skip a meal
- Poor memory, focus and fatigue
- Intense sweet craving at various times of the day
- Feeling stressed & overwhelmed
- Waking in the night (low blood sugar is one of many causes of insomnia)
When you have stable blood sugar, you will feel grounded, experience less overwhelm and stress and have no cravings – if your cravings are blood sugar related. Cravings can also be due to low serotonin, low endorphins, low catecholamines and low GABA, and even as a result of candida or yeast overgrowth. For many of my clients it may even be a combination of the above.
Naturally, making food changes can help a great deal as you can read in this blog post on low blood sugar and anxiety.
Was wondering if there is a paper & pencil test that one could take for blood sugar (hypo/hyper glycemic) problems. It might help people get off drugs for “anxiety” while the cause gets detected rather than the symptoms getting dangerously suppressed. A stressful job will burn glucose up quickly.
Hi Charles
I have listed some of the symptoms of low blood sugar in the blog post but you also need to consider the adrenals as burned out adrenals can have a big impact on blood sugar swings.
Can you use Glutamine with kids (age 10)?
If it’s for low blood sugar I’d focus on food changes first and add protein at breakfast and plenty of healthy fats. If it’s for gut healing then yes I would.
I totally forgot Glutamine helps with that! Thanks for the reminder (which you taught me 3 years ago to begin with). I always carry food with me, but carrying Glutamine is a great idea!
Jessica – I’m so pleased this was a good reminder for you! Glad to hear you always carry food with you now. Keeping some glutamine on hand is a great idea especially if you’re prone to low blood sugar. But remember, if your adrenal glands are in good shape your low blood sugar symptoms should resolve.
Awesome, I’m taking glutamine these days. Do you use it all through the day?
Best is throughout the day and taken between meals
Righto Trudy I need to order some glutamine again – like Jessica this was an ah ha for me about 3 years ago!
Glad to hear it jogged your memory Heidi!
Trudy – I had no idea that low blood sugar causes insomnia and waking in the middle of the night. Can Glutamine be purchased at stores like Whole Foods? Or do you need to pick it up at a supplement store?
Hi Jennifer
Glutamine can be purchased at Whole Foods and other supplement/health stores. Keep in mind, though that low blood sugar is just one possible cause of insomnia – others include low serotonin, high cortisol, parasites, and food intolerances.
This is one of those – either you know about it or you don’t.
A great help to many people in this category.
Every time I hear you talk about this miracle amino acid and see how wonderfully well it works I am blown away. The work you do, and how you do it, is so important and truly nothing short of amazing.
Thanks Mira – yes, glutamine (and some of the other amino acids like tryptophan, GABA, DPA etc) are nothing short of amazing!
That is truly amazing. I had no idea results could be seen that quickly.
Write on!~
Lisa – this is the joy of the amino acids! If you need them you will see results this quickly!
Thanks for the reminder! That’s one of the aminos that we never did have me try. But, since I also get that shaky frantic feeling, I’ll be trying it! As always, I am grateful that you continue to share your knowledge and expertise.
Great Terry – please keep me posted on how it goes for you!
My hubby has diabetes and is having a really hard time controlling even with meds, so I’m thrilled to hear about this.
Thank you!
Hi Chris – glutamine has been fabulous for many of my diabetic clients. Of course, other amino acids may help too. This questionnaire helps you figure out which area needs brain chemistry support
Hi Trudy,
How much glutamine should I be taking each time and for how long? I read from that glutamine can accumulate in the brain and be converted into MSG kind of substance. So I would like to know what would be the safe dose and duration of taking it.
Hi Kim
Glutamine is helpful for blood sugar control, healing the gut and can be calming too. Opened on to the tongue it can stop the intense desire for something sweet. It’s also great for helping alcoholics quit alcohol.
The starting dose is 500mg, 3 to 4 times a day between meals. I’ve had some clients go up to 2000mg 3 to 4 times a day.
I’d love to see that Mercola glutamine/MSG article so I can comment specifically. I’m guessing he was saying something about glutamate. Can you please share the link?
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for the info. The link to the article I mentioned:
Thanks Kim – this is going to require more than a quick answer. I’d like to do some digging and will need to find the studies the article refers to. Stay tuned…..
I clicked on this link, but was brought to another article about mitochondria. However, When I searched Mercola,website, for glutamine…I found out that cancer cells thrive on it…as well as glucose. This is putting me off using glutamine for my low blood sugar symptoms.
I address the cancer question on another glutamine blog here
Hi Trudy,
I emailed you yesterday. Aside from that, what do you like to use to boost serotonin?
Thank you!
Tryptophan, 5-HTP (if cortisol is not high), exercise, sunshine, light therapy, quality animal protein
Is L-Glutamine (powder) the same as glutamine? I have the L-Glutamine powder where 1/2 tsp = 2g.
If you know your adrenals are in not so great shape (I did an Adrenal Stress Profile from Biomatrix labs and I showed I was in Stage 2 Adrenal Dsyfunction), then will glutamine (or L-Glutamine) help?
I’d purchased the L-Glutamine, thinking it would be helpful in gut repair issues. But now I’m wondering if this is the same thing and if it would be helpful. Because I definitely have blood sugar issues off and on too. I get “hangry” , ha.
Mary Ann
Yes, same thing and glutamine is fabulous for gut repair and for blood sugar issues which are often worse with adrenal problems. It’s also fabulous for intense sugar cravings (opened on to the tongue) and can be calming too
Hi Trudy,
Can you clear something up for me. I understood from a previous online
summit that I think was one of yours that L-Glutamine was good to take to
repair leaky gut. I think it was
also recommended for mental emotional (anxiety) issues. Or maybe it was
the other way around in the order of importance. At any rate. I was
reading else where the MSG and free glutamate is actually not good for
you. Can you explain the benefits and cautions around L-Glutamine.
Background. I am an acupuncturist and many patients come to me with gut
problems. In some cases I strongly suspect food allergy or sensitivity. I
recommend a detox (handled by others) and then want to recommend ways to
heal the gut before attempting to introduce foods back into their diet.
What do you suggest?
Hi Linda
I love glutamine and have yet to have someone have a reaction to it. But it’s possible that someone with a very serious MSG/free glutamate issue may also have an issue. As with any supplement you would stop if there is an adverse effect.
You’re spot on – it’s calming because it helps stabilize blood sugar and some actually converts to GABA + its so healing of the gut + it stops sugar cravings in their tracks when opened on to the tongue
Hi Trudy…
I am new to the Anxiety Summit for 2015 and enjoying it immensely..
My question is with my anxiety and high cortisol at night and in the morning..I have a hard time with 5-htp and GABA making me feel at times more anxious..Why is this? Taking too much causes this opposite reaction. Thank you for a response.
Wonderful Eileen!
Too much of any nutrient can cause the opposite reaction. How much GABA are you using? If you were working with me I’d have you try less.
We know 5-HTP can raise cortisol in some instances so I like to use tryptophan when we know cortisol is high. I also like Seriphos to lower the high cortisol
Hi Trudy, how do you go about getting accurate tests & results ~information for your patients about cortisol levels and or deficiencies please & thanks
Best Jennifer
I use salivary cortisol testing (4 collections – morning, noon, early evening and late evening)
Hi Trudy…
I have tried 250mg of Pharma GABA…now using a lower dose, GABA Calm 125mg..but am cautious..
I cannot use Seriphos for high cortisol..It gives me more anxiety.. I have tried it several times, not sure why this happens..
I will try just the tryptophan and start out slowly…How much to start with? I am afraid to start with 500mg..I guess I am sensitive…having these opposite reactions to something that should be calming me down..
Thanks again.
I have my sensitive clients start with a dab and build up. I also only ever use Lidtke tryptophan.
Biotics Research Destress product also works well to lower high cortisol
Hi Trudy,
I have learned so much and enjoyed listening to all your great speakers, but you are truly a wealth of great knowledge.
I have ordered your book, along with season 3…there was so much information, I am going to have to listen over and over. I am excited to try your recommendations and find a solution to the anxiety I have felt my whole life.
Bless you for bringing this information to us,
Hi Trudy. Thank you so much for this article. several months ago I was diagnosed with stage III adrenal fatigue and H pylori. I was doing better and then recently got sick with two viruses in a row which seem to set my adrenals back again. I had also started the H pylori treatment around this time which seemed to irritate my gut. At that point I began to have very severe insomnia along with digestive issues and anxiety. I started 5HTP and it was a godsend. I plan to start l glutamine as well to help repair my gut and to help with low blood sugar issues that I’m still having. My question to you is most nights I need 400 mg of 5HTP along with 5 mg of melatonin to sleep the whole night through. The 5HTP has helped me considerably but I am concerned about using such high doses for too long. I have only been using these high doses for about a week now. How long would you say that I can safely use 5HTP at this dosage without the risk of serotonin syndrome? I am also currently working with an acupuncturist as well. Thank you for any advice you are willing to offer, I appreciate so much your willingness to share.
Hi Tracey
I’m pleased to hear the 5-HTP and melatonin is helping you sleep. With my clients, I find that once their levels increase over time, they need less. I will say that I typically use tryptophan for sleep as 5-HTP can raise cortisol levels. That being said some people do better on 5-HTP so it’s really individual.
I have read, more than once, that u shouldn’t use 5Htp for longer than about 3 months, and then have a break. Because it lowers dopamine levels..otherwise.
I have not found this to be an issue but if you share the source I’ll check into what they are saying
Thank you Trudy. I forgot to mention that when I had my cortisol levels checked a few months ago they were flat lining and on the low side so maybe that’s why I seem to feel better on 5HTP as opposed to Tryptophan. Thank you for your fast response!
this is so good….
i just read that the core of low sugar issues and adrenals is LEAKY GUT
so glutamine is the key to repairing it
I plan to start L-glutamine 500 mg. 3 times a day for my gut health and sugar cravings. I’m wondering if I should start with a 10-day detox first. Would you suggest that?
I have my clients who need glutamine use it at any time
Ok. I plan to start the cleanse and L-glutamine tomorrow. However, GNC only had 1,000 and 1,500 mg doses of L-glut. I bought the 1,500 mg as it was less money and contained more capsules. I plan to take just 1 a day between breakfast and lunch. I’ll open a capsule and dispense on tongue for the worst sugar cravings. I take cardio classes 3-4 times/week with no weight loss. Looking forward to starting this. If I can kick sugar, I know I’ll start to lose weight. Thanks!
I bought l glutamine but it gave me hypos and sweats
should i try again?
I don’t like to have my clients continue with a supplement that is causing an adverse reaction but sometimes it helps to try a second time to make sure. I’d also make sure the product is clean (ie no gluten or additives) and not too high an amount for your needs and do you need it? I also don’t know what hypos is?
I can that it’s very unusual to get a reaction to glutamine.
In the book Diet cure Julia Ross wrote that Glutamine is reducing blood sugar. It is strange that it supposed to increase it as it helps for hypoglycemia.
For me it is cause bloating probably from SIBO or candida.
So I can use it only under tongue as I have severe hypoglycemia at night.
I guess that they can eat it. Or it is allergic reaction. I was told that Glutamine is not Glutamate – it is different thing.
It helps to stabilize blood sugar and provides fuel for the brain when blood sugar dips too low. I don’t typically hear of bloating from glutamine itself could it be due to other ingredients in the product
There is no such a word: “hypos”.
Yes I also said above “I also don’t know what hypos is?”
He may mean hypoglycemia but I really don’t know
I had a crash on my 2nd tablet…so maybe I should only do 1 tablet a day? L glutamine tablet from Puritan USA
I felt clammy and spaced out like if I eat yogurt loaded with probio bacteria – what i took was greek style yogurt from marks and spencer… I dont like yogurt so tried it 6 months ago.. was sfufereing from eczema.. ive read that the liver wasnt able to handle the die off reaction overload…
im planning to take probiotics capsules again as it helped me in 2010 with eczema.. so i guess this will help me with my gut now…
very keen about digestive enzymes as i think my digestion is really an issue….
Brian – as I mentioned I have my clients avoid supps that they react to – I don’t like the sound of “a crash” and “I felt clammy and spaced out”
okay…point well taken
thanks for the feedback!
last question…no pressure to answer:
why does Vit b complex with b1 b6 and b12 give me tingling sensations….I stopped it… or does it mean continue as the body is clamoring for it?
Too much vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy that reverses when it is stopped
I am currently taking 150mg of Effexor. Can I supplement with glutamine? Thanks.
Glutamine is safe to take with medications, like Effexor, that belong to the class of drugs called serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). As always I have my clients check with their prescribing doctor.
I would also like to try source naturals GABA calm to replace xanax. I am assuming that is okay too. I tried PharmaGABA and had a bad reaction.
Hi Trudy, I was wondering if you ever gave a response to the lady who sent you a link to the Mercola article on Glutamine-July 8,2014. Do you feel Glutamine is harmful in any way?
Valerie Roth
Yes – 2 blogs – this one on glutamine and cancer and this one on leaky gut
I’ll also be updating the cancer blog with additional information next week so look out for this in the next ezine/newsletter.
Hi Trudy. I wrote before about intense sugar cravings and fatigue. I forget your exact response, but I know it was to take Glutamine 3 X a day and I believe it was 500 mg each time. I went to GNC and all they had was L-Glutamine 1500. I tried taking this once a day after lunch so there should have been plenty of food in my stomach. I barely lasted 2 weeks because it made me so nauseous! I can’t afford to buy more at this point. Any suggestions? – See more at:
I’m sorry to hear this. I’ve not had anyone report nausea from glutamine. If you can share a link to the product and ingredients list I’ll comment further.
I would never recommend pushing through with nausea for 2 weeks with anything (except 5-HTP since this usually goes away after 2 or 3 days). Also the aminos work best on an empty stomach. Please also let me know if it helped with cravings? If it was too close to lunch it may not have.
Also I have my clients start low and work up – 500mg is typically the starting dose for glutamine, less if you’re very sensitive.
I guess I’ll open the capsules and split it into 3 doses. Not the best solution but I want to use up what I have. I’ll find a link and send separately. Thanks!
Trudy, below is the link for the label for L-Glutamine 1500. I believe the higher dose made me nauseous. Do you see any other ingredients that could have made me feel sick? I do plan to take it on an empty stomach now as you suggested. I’m wondering where I can get empty capsules if I split the 1500 into 3 doses. Do you know?
Trudy, below is the link for the label for L-Glutamine 1500. I believe the higher dose made me nauseous. Do you see any other ingredients that could have made me feel sick? I do plan to take it on an empty stomach now as you suggested. I’m wondering where I can get empty capsules if I split the 1500 into 3 doses. Do you know? – See more at:
At a glance it looks ok but I’m not familiar with their quality so can’t be sure. It may be that you need much less or not at all. You can buy empty capsules online and at health stores
Thanks! I’ll try separating into smaller doses.
Hey Trudy, thank you for all the time you devote to helping people and answering their questions. I have high morning cortisol and am waiting on results of my second test to see if it is also high late night(2-4am). I wake up frequently at that time, often accompanied by big thirst and sometimes hunger, so I assume my blood sugar is unstable. I’m thirsty all the time it seems. I’m recovering from trauma and in a better place emotionally, and feel like my body is now in the need of recovering. So I feel like my adrenals are being pushed pretty hard and haven’t gotten the signal to chill out. I started taking adaptogens in the morning and it seems to help keep me going throughout the day and crash less after meals, but the anxiety is still around and I don’t feel rested in the morning.
So, my question is, if my late night cortisol comes back high, would you recommend seriphos as well as glutamine? Julia Ross’s work with seriphos with high late night cortisol after periods of high stress seems like it could apply to my situation. But I know I’ve read that high morning cortisol, which I have, is somewhat contraindicated with seriphos as it could be a sign of viruses, food intolerances etc. important note: I don’t really have big sugar cravings usually, sometimes the opposite, craving high protein, fat and wholesome meals, with a craving after some meals for “desert” in the form of yogurt and fruit.
I eat very well, so I don’t know why I would have the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia, and from what I understand it is low cortisol which causes hypoglycemic states. Am I missing something? I’m having trouble teasing out if the adrenal stress is affecting the blood sugar, the blood sugar is whacking out the adrenals, or a combination? Also, my A1C was on the low end of the prediabetic range, which makes little sense for a fit, well eating 22 year old. I remember seeing a questionarre you posted for adrenal fatigue and I fit the bill quite nicely from what I remember: feeling better after eating, anxiety, depression, tiredness, vague abdominal pain, lack of focus, feel better with a small amount of wine etc.
Thank you so much for your time
How much glutamine do you recommend for blood sugar regulation? Maybe this will help me sleep through the night
I have clients start with 500mg three or 4 times a day and go up from there. Balancing blood sugar with glutamine and food changes (see this new research helps with anxiety and insomnia
Hi Trudy,
Can I mix GABA and Glutamine on a daily basis or should I do one or the other? My biggest issue after having read your questionnaire are cravings (sugar/carbs – cheese and bread are my two favorite comfort foods) and alcohol when I need to relax.
Thanks for your time
They can be mixed but I have my clients do a trial of one at a time so they know the impacts/benefits of each one.
Hi Trudy
I am constantly having like a vibration on my head/brain and my body and don’t know why, i feel like i vibrate specially in my face and head. My blood sugar is around the 80’s, i have Hashimoto’s but controlled with AI Paleo diet and supplements.
Bought a GABA 700 mg from Pure Encapsulations but don’t know if is too much. My adrenals were ok last time i checked as well as my vitamins test just the Chrome but i am supplementing. Any ideas what can be? Thank you much
I have read a lot of articles that glutamine can convert to glutamate. Pretty sure I have excess glutamate so concerned about this supplement but could use the gut healing help.
Hi Trudy,
Thanks for this information. I was told to take L Glutamine at night. I have low blood sugar too and digestive issues, so I do think it helps, but should I be taking it during the day too.
Hello Trudy,
I have been on the anxiety roller coaster ride since giving birth to my 3rd son December 12, 2014. He was my last shot at a girl and not only was he a boy he had colic, severe acid reflux and just when we finally got the breast feeding dialed in I was told he was allergic to my milk. I was given bad advice to stop the breast feeding immediately and so naturally with the milk and the hormones and a screaming baby I had a severe case of postpartum anxiety. Which, a few Kaiser doctors at the time said “I never heard of that.” I had to figure most stuff out on my own. Doctors wanted to give me an SSRI but I truly thought that would do me more harm than good. Now 2.5 years later I am still trying to figure out what it is to stop these anxiety episodes. I get flooded with the fight or flight hormone and it stays with me for weeks sometime months. I am so uncomfortable it’s hard to be a patient mother that I know my kids deserve.
Taking your questionnaire I really feel like I am low gaba. It’s so much more physical than mental for me. However, I have a bottle of Gaba Calm and it does nothing for me. I also am now taking Gabapentin for the anxiety and thoracic outlet syndrome. That does help but #1 I don’t want to be on a pharmaceutical and #2 it makes me dizzy. Also, I have been taking 5-HTP for 3 plus years….I am switching to the Tryptophan today. But, I guess my point is, I am a little confused on where to turn in regards to what to add and what to not with the amino acids. Help……I want to be the best mom and best person I can be.
Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge
Hi Trudy,
I’m newly post menopause and now constantly have blood sugar drops where I have to eat ‘now’. If I don’t get food right away it takes me for ever to catch up and feel normal again.
I’ve tried the glutamine on the tongue and it really works! But it only buys me maybe a half hour. When I went through your questionnaire I was mostly GABA (including the weird rectal spasms!). The constant hunger and eating is a real problem – I’ve changed my diet to lower carb as they make everything worse.
My question is if I should take the glutamine in pill form also? Are the blood sugar drops adrenal related since menopause is apparently super stressful on the body? Since I feel I’m mostly low GABA is taking GABA supplements the answer?
Thank you so much for this blog as it’s opening up while new possibilities besides just taking hormones!
I like to use glutamine and address the adrenals as they take up the slack in menopause. Higher amounts of glutamine may give you relief for longer. And if someone has low GABA symptoms too we do a trial of GABA.
If you are new to the amino acids (and other anxiety nutrition solutions like gluten/sugar/caffeine removal, blood sugar control, gut health, pyroluria etc) my book “The Antianxiety Food Solution” is a great place to start. More here
Thanks so much for the info! I did already buy and read your book and the recommendations for how to eat make so much sense. Blood sugar control for me is everything. (I’m also still about 80% AIP for auto immune issues so I’m used to avoiding grains and dairy)
I have been using 1gram of glutamine in water every time before I eat for the last few days. Is that too much over the course of the day? Or could I take even more since it feels good? I also added a small amount of collagen to also help with stomach issues. I’ve noticed that my stomach doesn’t feel that great anyway. And the combination seems to work!
I tried some GABA as well (100 or 200mg) at night when I wake up and it puts me right back to sleep. I do feel groggy though the next day if I take it around 2 or 3am which is when I usually wake up.
I already take some progesterone cream at night to help me fall asleep. Could I just try and add the GABA then?
If feels so great to get some anxiety relief and stomach relief finally. Thanks so much!!
Next I’d like to figure out how to deal with the joint pain of menopause. I’m wondering if there is an amino acid for that as well? Or some other natural way of getting rid of the stiffness and pain.
You got to watch out with glutamine and epilepsy. I think its important to understand there are risks to the liver as well. I cannot use it because I would have more grand mals. Since mine do not stop and could kill me, I have to avoid it. Epilepsy medications also lower glutamine in the brain, so do not use glutamine on clients with known epilepsy or seizures. They will have more episodes. It’s important to know there are risks for the benefits you may get. You should be monitored by a doctor or other healthcare provider when using glutamine.