Lisa Bloomquist, fluoroquinolone toxicity patient advocate, is interviewed on the Anxiety Summit by host of the Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott, Food Mood Expert and Nutritionist, author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.
Antibiotic Induced Anxiety – How Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Induce Psychiatric Illness Symptoms
- Fluoroquinolone antibiotics and what they are prescribed for
- Why fluoroquinolones are more dangerous than other antibiotics
- How they can cause serious psychiatric problems, including anxiety.
- Ways fluoroquinolones cause psychiatric problems: GABA inhibition, gut destruction, piperazine molecule, mitochondrial destruction, oxidative stress and magnesium depletion.
- Fluoroquinolone toxicity and fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, autoimmity and thyroid disease
- Recovery from fluoroquinolone damage
Lisa describes how she was floxed after taking the Cipro antibiotic:
I felt like a bomb had gone off in my body. My hands and feet swelled up and became incredibly painful. I went from doing CrossFit to barely being able to walk. I had big floater going across my eye. My mouth was extremely dry. I stopped sweating. Massive amount of anxiety, just huge amounts of anxiety. I had other central nervous system problems as well. Things like I lost my memory and my reading comprehension. I felt a very profound sense of weakness and fatigue. And it was just very bizarre. Like I had gone from being incredibly healthy. I was very, very healthy prior to taking the Cipro. And after I took it I felt like I could barely move, I could barely move and I could barely think. And it was horrible. It was a really horrible. It was a very, very hard time in my life.
This is the 2016 paper we discussed: Fluoroquinolone-related neuropsychiatric and mitochondrial toxicity: a collaborative investigation by scientists and members of a social network.
The 3 fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics – ciprofoxacin, levofoxacin, and moxifoxacin – are commonly administered to oncology patients. Although these oral antibiotics are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of urinary tract infections, acute bacterial sinusitis, or bacterial infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, they are commonly prescribed off-label to neutropenic cancer patients for the prevention and treatment of infections associated with febrile neutropenia. New serious FQ-associated safety concerns have been identified through novel collaborations between FQ-treated persons who have developed long-term neuropsychiatric (NP) toxicity, pharmacovigilance experts, and basic scientists.
For the survey, 93 of 94 respondents reported FQ-associated events including anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, clouded thinking, depersonalization, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, nightmares, and impaired memory beginning within days of FQ initiation or days to months of FQ discontinuation
The authors of the paper recommend: revised product labels describing a new serious adverse drug reaction, levofoxacin-associated long-term disability.
Here is the new FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA advises restricting fluoroquinolone antibiotic use for certain uncomplicated infections; warns about disabling side effects that can occur together
Here are some of the studies we discussed in the interview:
- Benzodiazepine tolerance, dependency, and withdrawal syndromes and interactions with fluoroquinolone antimicrobials
- Ciprofloxacin-induced neurotoxicity: evaluation of possible underlying mechanisms
Here are some additional links that Lisa mentioned:
- the Fluoroquinolone Effects Study
- the Fluoroquinolone Vigilance Foundation
- the Fluoroquinolone Wall of Pain
- Floxiehope Lisa’s site (with stories of recovery)
- Fluoroquinolonethyroid
Here is the link to Hacking Fluoroquinolones – an ebook
And the book Lisa mentioned, written by Kerri Knox: The Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Solution
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I wonder if other categories of antibiotics may also cause anxiety? Any research or anecdotal evidence for this? I take several kinds of antibiotics daily for chronic Lyme Disease, and have random cheek-chewing that doesn’t correspond to any particular worry I have, but seems worse as the day progresses, perhaps because I’ve taken my medications already, or possibly because of increased cortisol, I don’t really know. I would love to find a supplement that helps counteract this, as it’s an ugly habit that causes wrinkles around my mouth, but GABA, tryptophan, and 5HTP have not helped. Any thoughts?
Apparently yes – here is a link from ADAA http://www.adaa.org/living-with-anxiety/ask-and-learn/ask-expert/can-antibiotics-increase-anxiety-symptoms (which clearly needs updating – they mention fluroquinolones but downplay the seriousness)
Which one are you using and is the cheek-chewing since being on the antibiotic?
Cheek-chewing could be considered an obsessive-type behavior and inositol is wonderful for OCD and obsessive-type behavior.
Hi Aleksu,
As Trudy noted, unfortunately, the link between antibiotics/gut microbiome destruction, and anxiety (as well as other mental health issues) is getting stronger with each study that examines the connections.
Do you supplement magnesium? Fluoroquinolones deplete magnesium, and other antibiotics may inhibit mineral absorption. It may be a good one to look into.
I also find uridine to be helpful. It’s somewhat obscure, but it helps me to be calm.
Meditation and mindfulness techniques are also helpful for me.
Lisa Bloomquist
Thank you for putting this on! My GOD, it has hit a thankfully not neurotoxified nerve with me, BUT, my grandmother died from Parkinsons, and I wonder if its root could have been been UTI Rx. (oh the HELL she and our whole family went through from this!)
ALSO IMPORTANTLY… by having your audience aware of this, they can intervene if friends and family are in distress.
An executive assistant at my workplace became extremely paranoid and anxious, even making no sense in her wide-eyed whisperings as she looked over her shoulder and around the room. I immediately played along with her paranoia and took her to the nurse at work to “get safe”. They suspected drugs, or some other cause for a “break from reality.” Her husband was called, and she had been to the Dr. for a bad bout of bronchitis/sinusitis. She had a bad reaction to antibiotics, was out of work for 2 weeks to recover, but as she read up on it, people have been completely incapacitated and permanently institutionalized because of the drug she was on. I’m not sure which one…but it sounds suspiciously like these!
Many of her work friends were just ignoring her, or suggesting menopause (!), or assuming anxiety attacks, but NOBODY ENGAGED HER OR WAS ALARMED FOR DAYS!!
We are glad to have her back in her full capacity! Please women, be aware of your other women.
Thanks for sharing and love the compassion for the exec assistant at your work and your encouragement for us to show compassion. Glad she’s doing well. It would be worth checking what she was taking and letting her know about this
Thank you. I will be letting her know for sure!
I’m glad that your co-worker is back to her full capacity as well! A lot of awareness about anxiety and other mental health related symptoms needs to occur. People need to be aware that a sudden onset of anxiety is often a sign of something else that is quite wrong.
You, and your friend, may also want to read Bitter Pills by Stephen Fried. Fried’s wife had an adverse reaction to Floxin that led to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
No one thinks that pharmaceuticals, antibiotics no less, can lead to devastating psychiatric adverse reactions – but they can.
Lisa Bloomquist
Thanks so much!
In an article written by Dr. Joe Mercola (articles.mercola.com)on his website on Oct 20th 2012, Dr. Mercola writes: “Fluoroquinolones have fluoride as a central part of the drug. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, and drugs with an attached fluoride can penetrate into very sensitive tissues. The fluoroquinolones have the unique ability to penetrate your blood-brain barrier, entering your brain and damaging your central nervous system. Many of these drugs have already been removed from the market due to their toxicity, and those that remain are riddled with black box warnings required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
We all know how toxic fluoride is to the thyroid, brain, bones and kidneys…..That’s why we’re trying to remove it from our toothpaste and water supply!
I think the side effects that Lisa B. was experiencing was fluoride toxicity……
Thanks for sharing. I’m going to comment and then Lisa will likely jump on and add something. It seems this is one factor with these medications but as you heard from Lisa there are a number of mechanisms that cause the varied symptoms. They can be made worse if you’re on certain meds or based on hormone changes.
I’m with you on fluoride toxicity and wanting it out of our toothpaste and water!
Hi Geri,
It’s certainly possible. If you got the free Hacking Fluoroquinolones ebook, I have a chapter on that possibility. It’s an essay that’s actually by Jason Uttley that suggests that many of our modern illnesses are due to fluoride and fluorine toxicity. Fluorine is a powerful, powerful oxidant and it may be an over-arching cause of much of the damage seen by “floxies.” However, there is also some evidence that fluoroquinolone toxicity is not due to the fluorine. Namely, the quinolone drugs without the fluorine added are also dangerous, and also, the other fluorinated drugs out there don’t seem to have the same horrible effects as fluoroquinolones. So…. I can’t say that I know the answer. I do think that avoiding fluorine/fluoride and loading up on antioxidants is a very, very good idea though.
Thank you Lisa and Trudy for one of the best health talks I’ve ever heard. It all applies to me. I’m one of those guys who had every antibiotic prescribed over and over, including Cipro, for UTIs, bronchitis and prostatitis. I know that my fibromyalgia started in the 1980s after taking Cipro, as well as every other symptom you mentioned. I would like to point out that those chronic infections were due to undiagnosed celiac disease, and that the bronchitis and prostatitis I suffered are autoimmune in nature, and that antibiotics never helped. I am now disabled and the multiple chemical sensitivity, as well as the sensitivity to airborne gluten is really disabling.
So sorry to hear what you have been through (and are still going through. Thank you for sharing here. Have any of the approaches that Lisa discussed helped you – like magnesium, mitochondrial support, tryptophan, zinc etc?
Thanks for the feedback – glad you enjoyed it
Thank you so much for listening, Michael! I’m glad that you enjoyed it, and that it helped to (re)affirm that the antibiotics contributed to your ill health. On TV the cure always comes immediately after one realizes what is wrong. Unfortunately, in real life, it’s not that easy. Still, once you know what has happened, you can find support groups and answers, and that is a blessing too. It’s helpful for healing as well. There is a community of people who have gone through this mess on http://www.floxiehope.com. There are also facebook support groups that I’m happy to point you to as well. I can be reached through the contact link on floxiehope.com.
Fluoroquinolones should never be given to people with autoimmune diseases, or even predispositions toward autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately, this isn’t known by most in the medical community, and too many people are hurt by these drugs.
I also think that fluoroquinolones can trigger histamine intolerance and chemical sensitivity. Here is a lovely and uplifting story of a woman who went through fluoroquinolone toxicity and MCS – https://www.hormonesmatter.com/fluoroquinolone-poisoning-tale-twilight-zone/. I hope it helps!
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.
Happened to me, 2 & 1/2 yrs ago….anxiety & pain were awful for 5 months, but subsided after many Epsom salt baths, sunshine, clean organic eating & rest! Worst part was trying to convince doctors I wasn’t myself & knew it was the cipro that was causing it.
Thanks for sharing, glad you’re doing better. As Lisa said, many in the medical community are unaware of the effects. If they were, they would not be prescribing them
Thank you for listening and for sharing your experience, Karen! Indeed, epsom salt baths, sunshine, clean organic eating & rest are wonderful healers! The denial of adverse effects that are listed on the warning labels is infuriating, to say the least. Fortunately, many doctors are coming around to see how dangerous these drugs are. It’s good that they are coming along. It takes time for paradigms to shift. Keep letting them know though – it will eventually sink in.
Lisa Bloomqist
In Dec. 2015, I received cipro for a serious diarrhea bout of which had lasted 5 months. This was related to repeated dental antibiotic use of the previous year. Although I had continuously taken probiotics, antibiotic resistance did occur.
Anxiety, depression, memory problems, insomnia, etc. preceded my recovery but I feel well now (June 2016). Pyrroloquinoline quinone is one of my favorite supplements. It supplies new mitochondria and is used as a memory supplement in my practice.
Thanks for sharing and glad you’re doing well now. Please do share more on pyrroloquinoline quinone and how use it in your practice. Please feel free to share a blog post if you have one
Hi Sharon,
I’m so glad to hear that PQQ helped you! People often ask me about it, and you’re the first person I’ve heard of who has attributed healing to it. I’d love to hear more about your experience! I’ll check back here for comments, or, if you prefer, I can be reached through the contact link on http://www.floxiehope.com. I am truly thankful to all of the people and companies that are supplying mitochondrial support supplements. They are useful, for sure!
After listening to Lisa Bloomquist on Fluoroquinolone I am pertified – I just finished taking ciprofloxacin for a bladder infection – I don’t seem to have any reactions yet as I just finished taking – I see I now have to pay 39.95 for her book to see how I can clean my system out so that I dont’ have reaction – this seems to be pretty scary and I am sorry I have even listened to her. This is very disappointing as I think her talk is very scary . What is every practioner scares people .
I am sorry if it’s upsetting for you. This was a mistake on my part – not asking Lisa the question on what to do for people who’ve just finished a course or are currently on a course. I’ll ask her to address that for you here on the blog
Unfortunately it’s a scary horrible topic and as scary as it is I feel it’s best that we know about it. Try and look at it this way – you are now empowered.
Hi Dottie,
I’m so sorry for scaring you! Here is a post that has advice on what to do if you start to have a reaction – https://floxiehope.com/2015/10/12/im-floxed-now-what/. There are many recovery stories on http://www.floxiehope.com. I hope that they are helpful to you! They all have good advice and guidance. Of course, what helps one person doesn’t always help others, so please be careful and ask for a doctor’s advice, but they have helpful advice none-the-less.
Magnesium supplementation helps to counteract the negative effects of the FQs. Antioxidants can be helpful too. I hope that helps!
Fluoroquinolones are metabolized by CYP1A2 enzyme in liver. It is the same enzyme that is associated with caffeine metabolism.
Floxiehope Lisa’s site mentions CYP1A2 a few times but not with caffeine.
Eg. 23andme reports your caffeine metabolism type (slow, medium, fast).
I am just curious whether we could have a questionnaire, how many people are caffeine slow metabolizers and have had serious adverse effects from fluoroquinolones.
Of course this ain’t scientific but a start. You do not have to do 23andme, just notice that you cannot tolerate caffeine and have the information that you probably do not either tolerate fluoroquinolones.
Hi Noora,
Thank you for listening and for bringing up such an interesting point! I honestly haven’t looked into the CYP1A2 connection very thoroughly, but it may be a key. Fluoroquinolones are not only metabolized through the CYP1A2 pathway, they block it. Per the Cipro/ciprofloxacin FDA warning label:
Four metabolites have been identified in human urine which together account for approximately 15% of an oral dose. The metabolites have antimicrobial activity, but are less active than unchanged ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin is an inhibitor of human cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) mediated metabolism. Coadministration of ciprofloxacin with other drugs primarily metabolized by CYP1A2 results in increased plasma concentrations of these drugs and could lead to clinically significant adverse events of the coadministered drug.
I wonder how many people effectively OD on caffeine just from drinking their normal cups of coffee while on Cipro. I have no idea, but the interaction may be part of the toxicity reaction for a lot of people.
I was a medium-slow caffeine metabolizer before I got “floxed.” Now I’m a slow metabolizer. My dad, for what it’s worth, is a very fast caffeine metabolizer. He can take a nap right after having a cup of coffee. He also tolerated cipro significantly better than I did.
It would be interesting to look down that path more. Thank you for mentioning it!
Lisa Bloomquist
Could this be the cause of Parkinson’s like symptoms in a Gulf War vet who was given this in preparation for going overseas?
Hi KB,
I think so. I wrote this on the topic – http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/01/06/gulf-war-illness-tied-to-cipro-antibiotics/. The Gulf War soldiers were exposed to so many toxins that it’s difficult to sort out the exact culprit though. The fact that their illness was denied by so many really makes me mad.
These drugs are also used for bronchitis and diverticulitis. I was on Cipro for both of those things as well as for 3 months on Cipro for a perforated colon done by a dr that got over zealous during a surgery. I was given Legaquin for bronchitis and just one pill made all my joints start to hurt. My dr did blood work and nothing showed up. another dr told me he knew exactly what happened…I had been floxed.
Also can someone please confirm that even grass fed organic beef has been given an antibiotic? I purchase my meat form a local source and was told that you can still use one dose of antibiotics and still be considered organic. That the loss of cattle has dictated that they have to be given one shot in order to survive. The skins are then checked to confirm that there was only one injection as it shows as a puncture wound on the inside of the sin. I would like someone to check this as I don’t know how to confirm this.
Also, anyone with EDS should stay very far away from these. I even wonder if I would have had the diagnoses of EDS had I never been given these antibiotics.
Hi Candy,
I don’t know the answer to your question about meat. I hope that Trudy, or someone else, pipes in to answer that question.
I agree completely, both that people with EDS should never be given fluoroquinolones (check this out – https://www.hormonesmatter.com/living-ehlers-danlos-hell/), and that fluoroquinolones can also exacerbate and cause EDS symptoms (and maybe EDS itself). Fluoroquinolones definitely cause connective tissue problems. They even have a black box warning on them noting the damage they can do to tendons. In addition to tendons, they can also damage cartilage, muscles, and collagen. I’m not sure whether the FQs trigger symptoms of EDS, or if they trigger epigenetic changes that lead to EDS. There are an unfortunately large number of people who have EDS symptoms post-exposure to these drugs.
So sorry to hear this – and sharing this Ehlers Danlos blog for other new to EDS/hyperflexibility https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/joint-hypermobility-ehlers-danlos-syndrome-pyroluria/
I don’t know about the grass-fed meat question but will check with US Wellness Meats. If you have a source where you read this please share a link
Thanks for sharing about the EDS connection – I was not aware of that. It seems to be a much bigger issue than most people realize.
I heard the info about the meat from the person that I have purchased meat from in the past. He does not do grass fed but I think he said that it qualifies as organic due to only using one antibiotic shot. He said that is confirmed via an inspection of the hide for the puncture. If this is true, like other things that are called ‘organic’ there is an allowable amount of antibiotic that is circulating in healthy meat. He said that most cattle can’t get thru the winter without being inoculated once as that would cause to much loss for the farmer.
Hi Candy,
My company, Paleovalley, makes a grass-fed beef stick and I just called both our processor and our supplier to figure this out. They both said that they have never heard of any antibiotics being allowed in organic, grass-fed cattle. They added that their program, which is 100% grass fed but NOT organic, is a “never ever” program which means their cows are never fed antibiotics. When they become ill they can be given antibiotics, but then they are separated from the program and no longer used.
They also mentioned that as of a year ago, one of their friends lost an organic certification because they had to use one round of antibiotics to treat pink eye. In other words, they do not believe that organic farmers can use antibiotics at all.
Hope that helps!
Thank you Autumn! I knew you were the person to ask! I really appreciate you calling to get answers for us.
Candy – do check out Autumn’s great interview and discussion on grass-fed red meat and their fabulous 100% grass-fed beef sticks https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/grass-fed-beef-fermented-food-paleovalley/
Thank you for the response. I am located in Ohio and I believe I was told they may not make it thru our winters without an antibiotic. These are NOT grass-fed but don’t know if that makes a difference.
So what I am really asking: Is there a requirement to be listed as ORGANIC whether grass-fed or not grass-fed that means that NO antibiotics are used? I understand that Paleovalley and their suppliers do not use antibiotics. But does that mean that all suppliers of organic meat do not use antibiotics? What is the rule to be called organic?
I will try to get ahold of the farmer that I had talked too to confirm and get the particulars or try to find a farmer locally that actually raises grass-fed and see what they can tell me. I am concerned that we are being subjected to antibiotics without knowing it for why would they be looking at the hides for puncture marks. But thank you for looking into that for me with Paleovalley. Nice to know that they do not use them but wonder about what I find at Whole Foods etc.
Yes, Organic means no Anti-Biotics in feed..and if an animal gets sick it is culled from the herd, given treatment and not included in either the milk production or Slaughter until it is well past the treatment.
So there is a national standard that NO antibiotic will ever be associated with any meat labeled ORGANIC whether through feed or by injection. It does not apply to just certain producers but applies to all meat labeled Organic in all parts of the US? After a sick animal is culled from the heard and given an antibiotic does it ever enter the milk or slaughter at any time after that? It sounds like it does. Sorry for my continued questions but I want to make sure I understand what I am buying and find words do matter. Trying to separate the ‘spin’ from the facts. Thank you for the response.
Fabulous talk, and discussion! I’ve been googling away on Cephalexin because I had horrible depression & brain fog from this antibiotic. (prescribed for an ingrown toenail, and discontinued deciding I’d rather have my toe cut off…) Now seeing the possible connection for slow caffeine metabolizers I will be sure to Never go on this antibiotic. And after decades of “antibiotics before dental work” for mitral prolapse, I’m sure my body is resistant to most. Trudy, thank you for finding Lisa and bring this into the open!
Thank you for listening and for heeding our warnings, JoAnn! As more and more research is going into examining our gut microbiomes, the more researchers are recognizing the long-term effects of these drugs. They’re not near as safe as we used to believe – unfortunately.
Hello Trudy and a big thank you for this summit! I wrote a long comment on the Facebook site about my being “floxed” with Cipro 4 times for diverticulitis. I am so grateful for Lisa and her knowledge! Prior to the attacks I was healthy and hadn’t been on antibiotics for many years. I had no knowledge of this antibiotic and since the first attack of diverticulitis landed me in the hospital for two days I automatically accepted it the other times even though I developed tinnitus right after the first time. My family dr said it wasn’t a side effect. Wrong! Now I have constant noise and a 30% hearing loss. I also have tendinitis in both shoulders which required therapy and shots. This is under control this past year but I’m still not pain free. The thing that worries me the most is the anxiety and difficulty sleeping. I worry about everything and everyone and driving my family crazy. I also thought the memory lapses and reading comprehension were part of my aging as I am almost 72. Now I think it could be cipro related. I did a detox two years ago and have been eating mostly organic and grass fed meat. I also take probiotics and supplements. I’m wondering what I can do regarding the anxiety and sleeplessness. Sometimes I take magnesium but not every night. Thinking GABA or some seratonin support? Any advice would be very appreciated! I’ve been following you since I attended last year’s summit and I look forward to your emails and all the information you so graciously share. Thank you again for all the effort and time you spend on these summits. You are a very good interviewer and I appreciate the summing up and clarifying statements you add to each interview.
This was an amazing talk! Back in 2000 I had Occular Cellulitis, for which a Quinolone was prescribed. It is no longer on the market because of the side effects it produced..it was called Tequin. It is not available in US and Canada in the form of Eye drops only under a completely different name.
At that time I was working in and with a Compounding Pharmacist, and had access to the drug interaction materials..and I was given this drug after several other anti-biotics did not touch the condition, including Rocephin, which I was deathly allergic to, given by IV which was much more immediately severe..(probably a good thing) So with Lisa’s description of combinations of drugs possibly accelerating the reactions of Quinolones..and my own sensitive system..I have always wondered about what the drug left in it’s wake within me. I was told after I finished the drug, that this class of drugs can eat right through tendons and even the connective tissue that holds your eyeballs in your head! I was pretty darned freaked out by that for quite some time! Thank you for doing an amazing life’s work, as a wounded healer, you have taken this mission to the top for millions!
Thanks for sharing and wow that does sound scary. And yes Lisa is doing amazing work!
Trudy thanks for referring to Lisa’s talk in your closing presentation. It was one that I had not listened to. It was very informative and a warning to all of us. Xxx
Great read. Lots to think about Lisa. Keep up the good work!
What is your thinking on a antibiotic for a UTI I have had it for 4 days now and don’t want to take antibiotics for it but am worried if not treated could get worse and cause more problems. I have been doing coconut oil, drinking lots of water, eating kimchi and kimchi juice, Kevita probiotic drink with low sugar and grass fed yogurt. Is there something else I can do to make this go away with out taking this antibiotic medicine? I am really nervous about taking a antibiotic since I haven’t taken one in 9 years and I have spent years changing my diet to Paleo except grass fed dairy some times . I don’t want it to cause me more problems I have reversed my blood sugar issues and have been paleo for 3 years but I am miserable right now
A UTI can be serious and antibiotics may be needed. I would not use one of the fluroquinolones which are commonly prescribed for UTIs. If antibiotics are used one needs to use probotics during and after the course.
If it was me I’d work with my naturopath (to make sure it’s not serious) and use natural antibiotics like oregano, garlic, berberine etc and drink undiluted unsweetened cranberry juice.
Hi Trudy,
I had paranoid symptoms started after taking tamiflu. it is still going on and I m trying to treat it naturally. Can you tell me what should I take that can help. I noticed vitamin d and probiotic increase my energy but also increase anxiety. Any guide to treat paranoid symptoms will help. Thanks in advanced. I could not work since this symptoms started. I eat healthy and use only natural supplements. inositol and l theanine help with anxiety but cause me fatigue so could not take it.
Thank you for sharing information. Doctors still will not admit the side effects of fluoroquinolones, leaving patients in pain and confused about how best to help themselves.
I am in hopes that you might have dealt with someone who has severe immune response to medications and flouride?
Over the years my system has become so hyper sensitive that I can no longer take medications.. I rarely took meds but now that I can’t have any antibiotics it is worrisome.
My Dr has wondered if I have mitochondrial damage… 25 years ago I was given 8 months of cipro and levaquin for sinus infection and they finally had to do sinus surgery. We now know that flouroquinolones can damage the mito cells, especially in those with cyp450 disorders (which I have).
Three years ago I was extremely sick and bloodwork found that I had an extreme sensitivity to flouride. After switching to reverse osmosis water I started to get well but last year that changed. I picked up strep throat from one of the grandchildren, the only antibiotic I could still tolerate was childrens amoxicillin in tiny doses. Two doses after I started I had allergic reaction and am now unable to take any antibiotics… my system became more sensitive to flouride after that reaction and I can only drink distilled water now.
If you have ever heard of this happening and what might help to reverse my system.. I would greatly appreciate your help!
I know fluoride is problematic and I know adrenal dysfunction and leaky gut can cause many sensitivities but I’m not familiar with fluoride sensitivity as such. I’m also curious what blood test was used to determine this?
I use GABA with my anxious clients all the time (with great success for the low-GABA type of physical anxiety). You don’t mention anything about anxiety but I’d like to share this interesting paper I recently came across: γ-Aminobutyric acid ameliorates fluoride-induced hypothyroidism in male Kunming mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26724496
If we were working together I’d consider a GABA trial and look at adrenals and thyroid, possible leaky gut, dysbiosis and SIBO and addressing any longer damage the fluoroquinolones may have done. Liver support and detox support would be paramount plus looking for any nutritional deficiencies (like low zinc, low D etc). Immune support would also be key to prevent new infections. And removal of all fluoride exposure- no tea, no showers or toothpaste with fluoride, no swimming pools etc.
Dr. Izabella Wentz has a new book launching next month – “Hashimoto’s Protocol” (on Amazon here http://amzn.to/2lgOTmG) and shares how fluoride can be a Hashimoto’s trigger so this is worth investigating too. Her online documentary “The Thyroid Secret” will be available online March 1 (https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/thyroid-secret-online-premiere-anxiety-interview/) so this is worth tuning in to as well.
I had to go searching and came across this article on fluoride allergy http://fluoridefree.org.nz/information/research/fluoride_allergy/
I’m hoping they offer a solution on the site…
Do you have any recommendations of supplements to take to mitigate psychiatric effects of antibiotics? What I’m taking is not an FQ. It’s a tetracycline. I don’t feel I have a choice but to take it short term for an acute infection. I’m allergic to other classes of antibiotics. I’m already having side effects after 2 days of the 10 day course. I currently already take GABA and magnesium. I did take an extra 250 mg of GABA in the night when I was having insomnia and extreme mood disruption in the night. I have nausea and dizziness with it as well. I take daily probiotics. I appreciate any suggestions. It seems it’s going to be a long week of mood dysregulation, potentially with psychosis and suicidal impulses. They are side effects I seem particularly prone to with various medications.
I would discuss with the prescribing doctor right away and consider looking into possible low serotonin impacts too and ask about using tryptophan or 5-HTP. Here are the symptoms https://www.everywomanover29.com/blog/amino-acids-mood-questionnaire-from-the-antianxiety-food-solution/
Be sure to make sure a family member and therapist knows about the psychosis and suicidal impulses
Thanks so much for replying. I finished the course of antibiotics without too much more problem. I already take tryptophan. Unfortunately now I’m prescribed a course of levofloxacin. Hopefully it will be okay. The infection has to go, so…
I appreciate your kind response.
Good to hear! May I ask what the infection is? Levofloxacin or one of the other fluoroquinolone antibiotics should always be a last resort.
The second issue was a UTI that had become systemic and was causing chills, nausea, overall malaise, and pain.
Hi Trudy and Lisa,
3 days ago I finished taking Levofloxacin for bronchitis which I believe was mis diagnosed and I didn’t even need antibiotics in the first place. Usually I’m vary wary of taking any medication as I suffered benzodiazepines and SSRI withdrawal 10 years ago and it was a nightmare.
Today after this round of Levofloxacin ( 500mg for 5 days I have those anxiety symptoms I suffered during withdrawals once again and I feel like I’m going through the same nightmare over again.
I’m also scared of having cartilage and tendons problems down the road because of this antibiotic. Do you think I should worry ? After just 5 days tendon and joint problems can occur in the future because of this?
What can I do to detox and ease the withdrawal prevent future injuries ?
I’m really grateful to you for any solutions you would advise.
Thank you
I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering with increased anxiety and this is ramping up benzo withdrawal symptoms. I would discuss GABA, melatonin (if sleep is affected), tryptophan, magnesium and mitochondrial support with the practitioner.
I also have very high anxiety ever since I took those antibiotics last week
Also I’m one week away from fluoroquinolone use. Do you think I could still suffer from the effect of those in the future? I only took it 5 days. Are there ways to detox those medication and help my mitochondria? I don’t think any practitioners specialise in the subject where I live so any advice from you would be helpful. Thank you bless you